Thankful Thursday

I'm thankful that hubby and I had a great cruise to Oxbow Marina to visit Marina West Yacht Club. They treated us like royalty all weekend long.

I'm thankful that the weather was so mild all weekend. I think the high was around 85° all weekend. In fact one night was very chilly. We kept wondering what month it was. When you're on a cruise and the weather is this nice you thank your lucky stars.

I'm thankful that hubby and I have made some very positive decisions concerning our yacht club affiliations. Sometimes toxic people make volunteering very difficult. It's far better to just let them go than try to wade through their drama.

I'm thankful that hubby and I are getting the hang of our smart phones. I'm really enjoying all the things that are at my fingertips. Why did we wait so long? We don't know either.

I'm thankful that Seymour the pet rock and his sidekick Element are being so entertaining. Some of my new readers aren't up on Seymour's last visit, but the ones that were around do. These two are up to no good. I just hope things work out okay for them.

What are you thankful for today?

Image Credit: MiMi King
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